
Nobu A.

Hello, my name is Nobu and i go to Highline School District. I wanted to start taking photos after going to State Parks and seeing the various landscapes. After taking photos for a while I started paying more attention to textures in my photos.

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2023 Cohort Session Three

Portfolio and Job Readiness: Mock interviews, independent studies, and portfolio refinement

Hello my name is Nobu and i go to highline school district. I wanted to start taking photos after going to state parks and seeing the various  landscapes. After taking photos for a while I started paying more attention to textures in my photos. Now I would like you to try and focus on the textures instead.

My photos show what inspired me to pick up a camera and allow other people to see through my eyes. Throughout my life I have always been attracted to the water and its aquatic life. Now I don't know why I have this attraction to the water. It might be because of how little we know about it or how much there is of it. But one thing I do know is you see everything through a lens differently on it and in it.

Through my personal experience with photography I have learned how to express myself through this artform. My camera has taught me how to see the daily interactions we people may take for granted. And through this lesson it showed me all people no matter their race or identity. We are all the same. This is one of the many lessons photography has taught me. I look forward to learning more about our world through photography and I hope, I never master photography so I can keep learning.

“We are not masters of something, we will not become masters of anything. We will only be Learners. Learners in one thing, learners in everything.” - Arturo Sandoval

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2023 Cohort Session Two

Honing Artist Vision: Applying photography knowledge to build and create in a working photo studio

These photos were taken in 2023, my 2nd year of taking photos. In my photos you are going to see different environments being compared against each other. From concrete, rock, and steel giants to small animals. 

My photos show what inspired me to pick up a camera and allow other people to see through my eyes. Throughout my life I have always been attracted to the water and its aquatic life.

Now I don't know why I have this attraction to the water. It might be because of how little we know about it or how much there is of it. But one thing I do know is you see everything through a lens differently on it and in it.

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2023 Cohort Session One

Camera and Digital Editing Fundamentals: Elements of Design, Photography, Photoshop, and Intro to Graphic Design

When people take photos, the first thing they often focus on are colors and contrast. but, I would like you to try and focus on the textures instead.

Up: the patterns and way this looks reminds me somewhat of things I see in California.

Stairs: this is another example of textures and layers. It also reminds me of the bart stations in California

Inception: the people that you see in this area are very similar to the people you see in California, i also like going to this area to see different people to remind me of spending time with my family in California

Balance: the photo is very urban and modern but it is very balanced with all the layers and contrast. I don't think I would notice this if i was just walking around, the architecture is very similar to the architecture in San Francisco.

Repetition: the brick adds a more rustic and rough feel to it; it is also different to the more modern architecture we are used to seeing. It also looks similar to the port buildings which reminds me of my grandfather.

Self: I like this photo because it makes you think how this was taken. The blurry ness also adds the feeling of what was here in the past you also need to focus more on the features.

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